A Pune court has denied bail to all the accused in the high-profile Porsche hit-and-run case, observing that they tampered with crucial evidence before the victims’ blood had even dried at the accident scene. On August 22, District Judge UM Mudholkar ruled against bail for the accused, including Shivani and Vishal, the parents of the child in conflict with the law (CCL), noting that evidence tampering began within hours of the incident that claimed two lives.
Judge Mudholkar reviewed the nearly 900-page charge sheet, which detailed how evidence tampering occurred almost immediately after the accident. He criticized the accused’s actions as indicative of their habitual criminal behavior, ruling out the possibility of imposing conditions to prevent further tampering.
The judge emphasized that allowing bail could lead to further evidence tampering and witness intimidation, thereby obstructing justice for the victims, their families, and society. He also expressed concern that granting bail in such a grave case could undermine public confidence and send the wrong message.
The court’s decision follows bail applications filed by Vishal Agarwal, his wife Shivani Agarwal, Dr. Shirhari Harnol, and his associates Dr. Ajay Taware, Ashpak Makandar, and Amar Gaikwad. The prosecution alleges that on the night of May 19, 2024, the CCL drove the Porsche recklessly at high speed, killing Anis Awadhiya and Ashwini Koshta, who were on a motorcycle. It is further claimed that Vishal and Shivani paid Rs 3 lakh to Dr. Harnol to falsify blood test results, substituting the CCL’s blood with Shivani’s to conceal evidence of alcohol consumption. The other accused are alleged to have assisted in this scheme.
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